The VN5620 is a compact and powerful interface for the analysis, simulation, test and validationof Ethernet networks. The VN5620 interface supports a wide range of possible applications. It is suitable for synchronous Ethernet monitoring with other bus systems, network participation (e.g. in simulations and generation of frames, loads and errors in tests). It can be used in the office as well as on test stands. The temperature and voltage ranges are designed accordingly.
Transparent connection (in/out/monitor) between two nodes and monitoring with precise timestamps.
Customer-defined hardware configuration for flexible setup of the remaining bus simulation with CANoe. Ethernet. This enables abstraction between the network and simulation, and enables the network interface to mimic various network topologies.
Data link between 100BASE-T1/1000BASE-T1 and 100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T Physical Layer.
Individual access to each port, e.g. for testing several identical systems on one test bench, for re-programming ECUs or for in-vehicle.