CANoe is a comprehensive software tool supporting the entire development process from planning to system-level test for network designers, development and test engineers. It can develop, test and analyze individual ECUs and entire ECU networks in the automotive industries and various other such as aerospace, rail transportation and so on. 
Multiple CANoe functions and configuration options are widely used by users around the globe. With its diverse application areas, it can provide accurate support to your project. 

Advantage of CANoe

Application of CANoe


There are various use cases for the diagnosis of ECUs, and they all can be combined with CANoe simulation of the ECU. During the process, interventions can be made at all essential communication layers. With CANoe DiVa, users can generate and execute diagnostic testing.


CANoe also supports all relevant automotive networks and transport protocols.


Types of diagnostic test include automated diagnostic test, semi-automated diagnostic test and interactive diagnostic test.


Automated diagnostic tests have several options such as CAPL or .NET test modules, test units and test case generation.


Semi-automated diagnostic tests help users record and play back repeated process.


In terms of interactive tests, diagnostic windows are available for all important use cases.


CANoe can record raw messages to show PDUs or even interpret the application/diagnostic level communication.


To ensure efficiency and flexbility in use cases in diagnostic area, CANoe  has Diagnostic Channel and CAPL Callback Interface as solution.


CANoe users can evaluate the information exchanged between ECUs and software functions. There are various CANoe analysis windows supporting user’s analysis work:


Trace Window: indicates all bus activities such as Error Frame and sending of messages. Individual signal may be displayed for each message even during measurement process.


Measurement Setup: Graphically represents and configures the data flow.


Scope Window: analyzes protocol errors and graphically depicts bus level measurement.


State Tracker: Indicates status information and displays digital inputs/outputs. 


Video Window: records and plays back afterwards.


Map Window: Integrates GNSS information and maps.


Graphics Window:  Graphically indicates the situation of signals (environment or values) with time.


Statistics Window: Shows bus activities with statistical data, including busload on node and frame level, counters/rates for frames and errors, controller states and burst counter/duration.


Data Window: Displays symbol values.


Write Window: displays system messages and outputs from CAPL programs of specific user.


Scene Window: Automatically draws ADAS objects according to their position and size after starting measurement.


Triggers and Filters: Reacts to specific bus events and reduces the amount of displayed or recorded data. 


CANoe is the ideal testing tool for efficient ECU testing and the entire system. CANoe provides effective solutions on:


♦ ECU tests

♦ Module tests

♦ Integration tests

♦ Conformance tests

♦ Regression tests

♦ Testing of ECU prototypes


CANoe offers many open interfaces to adapt into testing environment:


Integrating hardware for stimulation, measurement and injecting errors

♦ Interfacing MATLAB/Simulink models

♦ Controlling test systems via program calls, script calls

♦ Integration in higher-level test controllers

♦ Linking to external software tools


Users can use the simulation function of CANoe to test and analyze a System Under Tests (SUT). SUT can be harware or software.


Components of a CANoe simulation include a real System Under Test (SUT) and one or more simulated remote stations. A SUT is not limited just to communication but can also interacts with its environment.  Aside from the environment, environmental factors and physical effects can also influence the display of the simulation.


To create a CANoe simulation, all aspects of communication and the associated information of the individual simulation participants are required, and participants have to connect via communication channels so that data can be exchanged.


CANoe simulation has two variants. One is virtual SUT, which is operated only on a computer, and the other is real SUT, which is connected via a network interface. For real SUT, operating modes include interface mode, distributed mode and standalone mode.


During stimulation, events are applied to a System Under Test (SUT) to generate an expected response, and there are three main goals for the stimulus.


♦ The SUT is transferred to a desired target state and excitation are reproduced under control

♦ Several test scenarios are applied to SUT for analysis

♦ SUT responses are recorded to determine the ideal control parameters


The following methods help create a stimulation:


♦ Automation for command sequences (visual, Macro and .NET)

♦ Signal generators to create signal sequences with manual or periodic execution

♦ Signal replay for playing back a recorded signal course

♦ Various panels for manual stimulation and influencing of signals. The panels can be extended by the user if necessary

♦ Programmable processes in CAPL, .NET or C in the evaluation

Functions of CANoe

Basic Functions

VN1610 (2 channels – CAN)

VN1611 (2 channels – CAN and LIN/K-Line)

VN1630 (4 channels – CAN and LIN/K-Line)

VN1640 (4 channels – CAN and LIN/K-Line)

>Parameterization of diagnostics by diagnostic descriptions as ODX 2.0.1/2.2.0, MDX 2.0/3.0 or CDD

>Definition of simple diagnostic services with the Basic Diagnostic Editor

>Support of physical and functional addressing

>Quick and simple On-Board Diagnostics with built-in OBD-II tester

>Diagnostic observer for UDS and KWP2000 based on parameterizable diagnostic descriptions

>Transport protocol observer for ISO/DIS 15765-2

>Support of DoIP (Diagnostics over IP) and HSFZ (High-Speed Fahrzeugzugang)

>Special diagnostic CAPL functions for simulating and testing ECUs

Special Functions

More Options of Special Functionalities

Various kinds of software tools to facilitate the development process of automotive software.


CAN , Car2X , Ethernet , FlexRay , LIN , MOST

Higher Application Protocols

CANopen ,  ISO 11783 , J 1587 ,  J 1939 , SmartCharging

Measurement and Diagnostic Validation

AMD/XCP , DiVa , Scope , Sensor

Avionic System

 A426, AFDX, CAN | A825